Pacadar UK exhibited at the BTS 2018 Conference

Pacadar UK exhibited at the BTS 2018 Conference
  • Viernes, 19 Octubre 2018

Pacadar UK exhibited on the 9th and 10th October 2018 at the BTS 2018 Conference, Queen Elizabeth II Hall, Westminster, London. The event was the UK´s largest tunneling exhibition, a brilliant meeting point for everyone involved in the design, construction and operation/maintenance of today´s underground infrastructure. David Díaz Avellaneda, Mohamed Ellaboudy & Carlos Mendoza Contreras answered questions and pitched to exhibitors, delegates and visitors. Some of our unique selling points that caught the attention of many include, setting up portable factories, obtaining over 70 years’ experience, and our state of the art facilities demonstrated at Thamesport, Isle of Grain.

We were delighted to answer questions and inform many about the existence of Pacadar´s sister company Pacadar UK. We look forward to maintaining a good business relationship with all those we met and are happy we educated ourselves with the most up to date tunneling industry knowledge and information.

We are grateful for the warm welcome we received at the BTS exhibition. It is now onwards and upwards and all about looking forward for Pacadar UK.

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